Leadership Team

Jethro Joseph

Antwan Walker
Vice President

Curtis Threat

Rachelle Wright
Financial Secretary

Sandra Mason
2nd Alumni Representative to the Board of Trustees

Inez Greggs

Judieth Hunt
Recording Secretary

Doris Fuller
Parliamentarian and Chair of the Nominations Committee

Dr. F. Carl Walton
Chair of College Relations Cmte. and Elections Cmte.

Linda Byers
Corresponding Secretary

Todd Blackburn
Assistant VP for Institutional Advancement/Alumni Affairs

Ronald Williams
Chair of the Membership Committee

Todd Wilcher
Sergeant at Arms

Leslie Foster
Chapter/Affinity Group Development & Retention

Earl Williams
Chair of the Fundraising Committee
of the Morris Brown College National Alumni Association
In a very humble beginning, the Morris Brown College National Alumni Association was organized in 1902. This organization has grown through the past one-hundred & Eighteen years and TODAY is a very strong supportive arm of our 139 year Old AME-HBCU institution. The Association is committed to help provide moral and financial support to the college.
The purposes of the Association are to promote the best interest for Morris Brown College toward the continuous attainment of its mission to promote good relations between the Alumni and the College; to aid the recruitment of academically talented students for entrance to the college; to generate funds for the use and benefit of the college and organize and mobilize the collective strength of the alumni towards, generating financial support and any other way that will be beneficial to its growth.
During 2018, the NAA partnered with the MBC Alumni Focus Group in accomplishing the “Repair & Replace” the Administration Buildings’ Roof, the interior painting of this building, the purchase of new A/C Units on this building and the successful MBC-Car-Give-A-Way drawing. This drawing was conducted on Homecoming Day ‘2016. The proud winner was Alumnus Ronald Mellix, Jr., ’07, Loyal Marching Wolverine.
We now have multiple active Chapters. They include: Athens, Atlanta, Carolinas (NC/SC), Chicagoland, Columbus/Phenix City, Dekalb, Detroit, DMV Chapter, Jacksonville, LA Chapter, Memphis, Miami, Philadelphia, South Metro Chapter, and the Tri-State Chapter. You can join us TODAY. You also have 3 different membership levels that you can take advantage of to support our historic organization and school. We have the Life at $500, Purple at $750, or Purple & Black at $1,000.

Alma Mater
Alma Mater,
pride of earth,
Gav’st to me another birth,
Haven for all hungry souls,
Feeding them shall be Thy goal,
Ever let thy banner be,
Emblem of the brave and free,
A welcome true to everyone,
Until Thy work is done.
Hail to Thee, maker of men,
Honor to Thee once again,
Sacred truths on firmest ground,
Hail to Thee, Dear Morris Brown.
To her precepts praise accord,
To them may we e’er be bound,
And bow and thank the gracious Lord,
For dear ol’ Morris Brown.
Lyrics: Milton Randolph
Music: E. Waymon Hathcock